It’s time that the practice of appropriation move to one of appreciation and acknowledgment for the talent and rich heritage that people of African descent have brought to the entire American culture. It’s ironic that the intent of black history month is to show appreciation of black people. Instead black history month serves as a reminder of the appropriation of black culture without acknowledging the talents and abilities by giving credit where credit is long overdue.
The focus for black history month is usually looking back to slavery and then jumping fast forward to one hundred years later to when a black man is being killed while fighting for civil rights.
Black History Month also needs to look at the here and now. We need to celebrate Americans who happen to be black, instead of pushing under the carpet all of the small and subtle ways that Black Americans are considered to be ‘less than.’ We need to invest the time, money and research understanding why black prisoners are at an all time high, but the crime rates in general are significantly lower than ever.
There are other ways blacks are not acknowledged. For example, the origins of rapping are rooted in the black culture and yet when the awards are handed out, white rapper,Eminem was the first rapper ever to win an Oscar. Did I mention he's a WHITE rapper? Nike and Timberland are the most popular footwear companies among black folks but these businesses have never donated to improve low income communities or provided scholarships to the young people of color who collectively spent over $500 billion to keep these enterprises thriving.
Sadly, for me February is a reminder that I am among a race a people that were born in this country and are capable of amazing accomplishments but will not be celebrated or at least appreciated of how we contributed in making America great. In February, If America really understood the true reason behind Black History month, there wouldn’t be a need for Black History month. Black Americans need to be appreciated, acknowledged and celebrated every day of the year.