Hello! I hope you are staying well during these turbulent times. Here is my ten-year update: I gave my P.R. firm to my daughter Katie a few years ago so I could spend the bulk of my time writing books, articles, essays, and book reviews. I am a writer’s writer—I spend hours every day honing my craft to become the best writer possible.
I know how hard it is to get good stories about people placed in the media. It takes a lot of time and money. Most people don’t have the money that is needed to hire P.R. professionals. So their stories are never told.
I have always felt that all people deserve a fair shot at recognition. PR for People® started as an idea, sort of like democracy. Many other writers contribute to our publication. Some are professional writers who have a track record with top-tier media. Others are just starting out and looking to cut their teeth as writers.
No matter who is writing our cover story, we aim to make you feel an emotional connection with the people we write about. Our stories are positive, upbeat and meant to strike a very human chord. We write about real people and cover news about the full range of humanity. We tell the stories that would not have been told unless we wrote them.
We’ve published 100 issues in ten years. We’ve done a lot of “firsts.” We were the first to do a cover story about group of Vietnamese-American women, who work in a nail salon. We were the first to tell the story of Ned Halilovic, who escaped the carnage in Bosnia to make his home in America. We were first to feature American biologist Dr. Peter Corning, whose work has been hailed as a major shift in our understanding of evolution.
I produce this publication to give people a fair shot at recognition. PR for People® is a pro-bono enterprise. Ten years is a long time, a good chunk of my life. It's my gift to you.
Warm regards, Patricia Vaccarino