
Micaela Scholtz

Creating Your Own Magic


For Love or Money? Emerging talent, under 30, are making their own way.  One talent, Micaela Scholtz, talks about love, money and about her new magazine Vrouw .

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Working Beyond Retirement

Retirement is a relatively new concept.  In olden days (pre WWII), people worked until they could no longer do their jobs.  Even the concept of retirement has fostered an epidemic foisted on us by (well meaning?) people to either provide for citizens in decline or to make room for the next generation.  And, it can mean a number of things.  People retire and then find that they need more to keep them busy and involved than golf and bagels...

In Praise of Go(o)d~Women

From Medford, New Jersey

By Cindy Weinstein

Tanesha stood before me in prayer mode, palm heels at my chest, fingertips gently brushing my throat. Moments drifted with my eyes shut, sensing other women encircling my space, gently grounding each shoulder. Eventually, my wet eyes opened and met Tanesha’s smiling reflection. And then bewildered, I saw only Tanesha standing alone, supporting my upper frame...

Marion Ceruzzi Does Good Work!

by Sally Haver

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While Marion was working full-time, she managed to squeeze in the following:


Marilyn Fezza Gives Girls a Voice of Their Own

Marilyn Fezza is New York City-based entrepreneur, business owner, fashion designer, mother and feminist who envisions the time when her latest media venture, 7Sisters project, will be embraced by young women and girls worldwide. Marilyn was only 23 years old, when together with her husband, she co-founded a successful apparel label, Andrew Fezza. She served as COO, Women’s Design Director, Head of Marketing and PR...

Ned Halilovic: We Were Strangers Once Ourselves

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