Annie Searle

Annie Searle | The Risk Detective


Annie Searle is a full time faculty lecturer at the University of Washington’s School of Information, where she teaches graduate courses on risk management, on the foundations of information management, as well as a course on ethics, policy and law with respect to information management. She is a lifetime member of The Institute of American Entrepreneurs, and a 2011 inductee into The Hall of Fame for Women in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Since 2007, she has been an invited participant at New York University’s Global Roundtable on Public-Private Preparedness; and a member of RPCFIRST, the Regional Partnership Council, an umbrella organization formed in 2005 to foster collaboration on on homeland security and emergency management issues with the public sector...

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Latest Posts in Annie Searle

What’s Next for Annie Searle | Risk in Color


In 2013 Annie Searle took up watercolor as her preferred medium to create art. Seeking ways to balance work and life, she immersed herself in this amazing art form.  She began her new endeavor by committing herself to spending two to two and a half hours each week in class.  There are also many hours of time spent practicing outside of class.  She found that the tools needed to create watercolor painting are extremely portable...

Interview with Annie Searle

Recently, we interviewed Annie Searle, exclusively for The Connector.



Managing Privacy Risks

 “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…”

This language from the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution comes closest to protecting personal information and defining privacy as a right, even though the word “privacy” is never mentioned. The Constitution was written to limit the powers of government as much as  the...

Entrepreneurial Risk

If you’re an entrepreneur and focused on growing your company, one would presume that you’ve done an operational risk assessment.

     Such an assessment takes into account more than just expenses or revenue. It includes the set of business assumptions you have made, from your expected market placement among your competitors, to whether your expenses will exceed your revenue for some period of...